City of Santa Rosa

Activity Guide

Mobile Booth

Pull-up Displays
Parks and Rec:
The Activity Guide is a project started in 2013, where NSD created a template based design that could be revised year after year. Recent notable changes include lowering page count while maintaining the same information and incorporating more photos and full color. Utilizing the theme "Parks Make Life Better!™,” NSD also created a bright beautiful mobile booth including a canopy, pull-up displays and a tablecloth for use at events. Other projects include informational map brochures for trail use and park locations.
City Manager’s Office:
Emergency Evacuation materials were needed for the public as well as a Fact Sheet on Homelessness Solutions to be used as a talking point for government advocacy at the state level.
Planning and Economic Development:
The minimum wage brochure is a great creative example of how to produce a bilingual brochure with lots of content. For the Roseland Annexation, NSD created a wonderful bilingual, self-mailing piece for all residents. Once unfolded, it contained a fridge magnet with all the important phone numbers for city services. Months later, the same graphics were used for consistency and cost efficiency in addressing potential and existing business owners in the Roseland Area.

City Parks Map

Emergency Evacuation Flyer
Homelessness Solutions Flyer

Minimum Wage Brochure

Roseland Annexation